from Laura
“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city…’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow!” James 5:13-14
Currently, one of my most important possessions is my calendar. I carry it almost everywhere, and we consult it regularly—generally with an eye to adding something else in. With only a few weeks left in the U.S (and much to do), the calendar has begun to feel like a jigsaw puzzle—with no nice picture on the box top!
Those who know me know that I am a planner. I like to know what’s coming up, and I’m not a huge fan of last-minute changes. By mid-day on Monday, I usually have in mind what I’ll do with Tuesday evening’s free time. I have, over time, learned to be more flexible, at least some of the time, but I still really like my plans.
What I have been learning over the past few weeks is to hold ‘my’ plans more and more loosely. Many of our recent plans have remained unpredictable up to the moment of the event. Things that were ‘completely set’ have ended up completely changed. My task has been to see these changes in a positive light.
Making plans IS important. It’s hard to meet up with people if you don’t pick a time for it! But if my days actually belong to God, which they do, then there is no plan-change that He will not use. If the things I am doing with my time honor Him, then switching the order of activities is neither here nor there, ultimately. I’m finding it challenging to balance this perspective with the need to have good priorities and make good choices with our time. We still need plans, but I must hold them with open hands, be willing to let go of them peacefully, and be ready to drop them entirely for the sake of something more important.
(Seth and niece, catching tadpoles)